Izaberite stranicu
Канцеларија националних друштава Црвеног крста и Црвеног полумесеца Медитерана са седиштем у Барселони (26 националних друштава Црвеног крста из региона), обавестила нас је 29. октобра 2021. године о резултатима овогодишњег наградног конкурса Greening the Red Contest.
Задовољство је видети да се међу три најбоља рада налази и онај који су сачинили млади волонтери Црвеног крста Новог Сада под називом

RECONNECT WITH EARTH – Proposal presented by the Red Cross of Serbia – local branch of Novi Sad

Dear colleagues of the Mediterranean National Societies,
It is with great pleasure that we are here to announce the winner of CCM’s Greening the Red Contest!
First of all, we would like to thank all of the Mediterranean National Societies and all of their youth volunteers that have participated in this initiative.
CCM received very interesting and innovative proposals, aimed at reducing our environmental impact. We are extremely satisfied with the large participation and the high quality of the applications, which for us are clear messages of high interest and commitment on this topic.
We are grateful to all of you for supporting us in spreading and fostering green mitigation actions in the Mediterranean.
Now, It is time for the announcement!
It has been really hard to identify the best proposal over the amazing ones that we received. In fact, after an intense evaluation and reflection, we decided to award three first prizes.
Hence, the winners of the CCM’s Greening the Red Contest are:
– THE GREEN FRAMEWORK FOR A GREENER EVERYDAY LIFE – Proposal presented by the Croatian Red Cross Youth
– MY DREAM INTO TOYS – Proposal presented by the Turkish Red Crescent Youth
– RECONNECT WITH EARTH – Proposal presented by the Red Cross of Serbia – local branch of Novi Sad
Congratulations to all!
We hope that this initiative has inspired and stimulate youth to keep tackling the climate crisis and raising awareness for greening the Movement.
CCM’s future will be full of green actions, and we hope that in doing so we will keep acting together.
Please note: winners will be contacted as soon as possible to define the next steps.
Thank you for your support.

CCM Team

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